How To Write a Demo Email Follow-Up

After wrapping up a successful SaaS demo, the next critical step is sending a follow-up email. In this post, we’ll explore why the follow-up email matters, how it keeps your product top of mind, and how it helps you move closer to closing the deal.

Harun Basic


Reading time: 4 min

Alright, so you’ve just finished a great demo for your SaaS product. You showed all the cool features, answered questions, and the potential customer seemed interested. What’s next? The follow-up email! This email is super important because it shows you care and keeps your product fresh in their minds. This email is your chance to keep the momentum going and move closer to closing the deal.

Why Follow-Up Emails Matter?

First, let’s talk about why follow-up emails are so important. You might think the demo did all the talking, but the follow-up email is where you really cement your relationship with the potential customer. Here’s why:

  1. Shows You Care: Sending a follow-up email shows potential customers that you’re genuinely interested in helping them, not just making a sale. It’s a personal touch that can make a big difference.
  2. Keeps You Top of Mind: A follow-up email helps keep your product fresh in their minds, especially if they’re considering other options. You want to be the first name they think of when they’re ready to buy.
  3. Answers Questions: It gives you a chance to answer any questions they might have thought of after the demo. Sometimes people need a little time to process all the information.
  4. Moves the Sale Forward: A good follow-up can be the next step they need to take and make a decision. It’s your opportunity to guide them towards saying “yes.”

How to Write a Follow-Up Email That Stands Out

Now, let’s get into the writing of a follow-up email that stands out. Here are some tips to make sure your email hits the mark:

1. Personalize It

Start by addressing the recipient by their name and mention something specific from the demo. This shows that you paid attention and that you’re writing a personalized email, not just a generic template. People appreciate when you remember details about them or their company.

2. Recap the Demo

Briefly go over the key points and benefits you discussed during the demo. This helps reinforce the value of your product and keeps the main points fresh in their mind. Think of it as a highlight reel of the demo.

3. Address Any Concerns

If any concerns or questions came up during the demo, address them in your follow-up. This shows that you’re attentive and proactive. It’s important to tackle any potential roadblocks head-on.

4. Provide Additional Resources

Include links to relevant resources, such as case studies, testimonials, or product documentation. This helps them learn more about your product and see how it has helped others. It’s all about building trust and credibility.

5. Call to Action (CTA)

End your email with a clear call to action. This could be scheduling a follow-up meeting, starting a free trial, or moving forward with the purchase. Make it easy for them to take the next step. You don’t want them to be left wondering what to do next.

6. Thank Them

Always thank them for their time and interest. This shows appreciation and leaves a positive impression. Everyone likes to feel appreciated.

7. Include Your Contact Information

Make sure to include your contact information so they can easily reach out to you if they have any questions. You want to be accessible and easy to reach.

More Tips for a Successful Follow-Up

Here are a few more tips to make sure your follow-up email hits the mark:

Be Prompt

Send your follow-up email within 24 hours of the demo. This shows you’re on top of things and keeps the momentum going. You want to catch them while they’re still thinking about your product.

Keep It Short and Sweet

Be thorough but don’t make your email too long. People are busy, so keep it short and to the point. Make it clear and easy to read.

Use a Friendly Tone

Write your email in a friendly, conversational way. This makes you seem approachable and easy to work with. Nobody likes a stuffy, overly formal email.

Follow Up More Than Once

If you don’t hear back after your first follow-up, send another email a few days later. Sometimes people need a little reminder. Be persistent but not pushy.


A great follow-up email is key to turning demo participants into customers. By personalizing your email, recapping the demo, addressing concerns, providing additional resources, including a clear call to action, and showing appreciation, you can make a strong impression and move the sale forward. Remember, the follow-up email is your chance to reinforce the value of your product and keep the conversation going.

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